Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do we know our Vocation?

Many people who are just starting their careers simply don’t have any vision for themselves. Does it not make sense for us to visualize what we intend to do before we start our professional careers? Vocation is the biggest concept which incorporates our purpose, mission, and calling or is something unique to each one of us which will define our legacy. It is the beacon in our life that keeps us headed in the right direction even when we are being tossed around by fate. Then comes your career which is a subset of your vocation. If we understand our calling, we can have different calling along the way without redirecting our paths. For example if you have a desire to help others then you can fully embrace that as a teacher, author, politician etc. Job is the smallest of the three concepts and the least significant. It describes how we earn a living and perhaps what we are currently doing between 9:00am to 6:00pm. We tend to focus too narrowly on our jobs. Thus, if the job disappears, the immediate response can be that of diminished self-worth and questioned identity. However if we are paying attention, times of change can wake us up to our dreams. Life experience is a wonderful teacher and clarifier. The key is not to loose sight of your vocation.

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