Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Product companies Sales Staffing

How to hire your sales representatives in an IT product company also depends on the stage of the company. For example if the company has just started and has released it beta product then the best strategy will be to hire for learning and hire few good people who are interested in technology and sales so that your burn rate is not much. In the initial stages all your customer facing departments like sales, product engineering, and marketing should focus on learning from customers so as to stabilize the product. In the next stage when the product has stabilized and your revenue model has been proved one can hire more no of sales people who should be instrumental in getting as many leads as possible. In this stage some companies make wrong choices of sales people and they hire along the lines of their initial hiring which is not required. In this stage you require sales persons with decent knowledge of product and aggressive attitude to sell so that they can give as many leads as possible. They need not be paid on similar lines as the previous sales recruits. The goal should be to capture as much market as possible in minimum possible time and to reach the breakeven as early as possible with least burn rate.

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